
Divorced Catholic Dads


Direction For Our Times

By far the most valuable resource I have found is a set of books and meditations from “Anne” at the Direction For Our Times web site. I would strongly recommend buying the full set of Volumes as well as the three books – “Climbing the Mountain”, “Mist of Mercy” and if one decides to become part of the Apostolate, “Serving with Clarity”. I would also recommend the booklet “Heaven Speaks about Divorce”. Start with the booklet and then “Volume 1”. “Climbing the Mountain” should be next – for me it was a delightful ‘shocker’.

These are the most powerful set of meditations I have ever come across and I have used many over the years. I would recommend using just one ‘message’ a day or one morning and one evening, as meditations. The books have transformed my life.

The books are written by a Catholic for Catholics, but Christians of all denominations are reading and profiting from them as well.

Catholics Come Home

Another resource depending on where you are in your relationship to the Catholic Church is the web site ‘Catholics Come Home. Even if you are a practicing Catholic, the resources on divorce are valuable. Just do a search on ‘divorce’ on the home page.


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